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" From Oedipus Complex to Oedipal Complexity: Reconfiguring (Pardon the Expression) the Negative Oedipus Complex and the Disowned Erotics of Disowned Sexualities"


Author: Jodie Davies USA) 

Moderators: Cathy Hicks (Australia), Amy Schwartz Cooney (USA) 
Brief Description: 

In this paper, as the title implies, Jody attempts to complicate and “complexify” some of the dynamics of human sexuality. Despite its publication in 2015, in many places the world over we are still battling stereotyped binary perceptions of sexual identity and the restrictive and punitive policies employed to enforce them.   Jody is also hoping to use this forthcoming colloquium to bring some new theorizing on the issue, so there is much scope for conversation and dialogue regarding different understandings of the concepts. 

Click here to download the article

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